The time has come to go down the night vision route but unfortunately the finances are not that permitting right this moment. So I’m going to start with a lamp and decent scope! Scope sorted but doing some research the Night Master 800 seems a good option for the lamp. The advantage is I can change the LED to IR when the time comes thus protecting my investment. I’ve been using a white LED lamp (Led Lenser) on my rimmy (50yds max) but with the NM I have the choice of other coloured LEDs.
So my initial question is which colour have people found to be the best? I have read that green can startle quarry whereas red is very relaxing on the eyes (car dash’s and aeronautical controls).
This is for 100 yrds plus on a centre fire and primary quarry will be foxes
Lastly is the XSearcher Head a worthwhile upgrade?