I have had an acquire for a .223 for over a year. My decoying seems to be getting less through no fault of my own and to be honest sometimes I was struggling too much with the gear, I believe things happen for a reason so perhaps it is meant to be.
I enjoy going out with the rimmy's which is ok as recoil is negligible, and I only use 30g or less and don't fire that many in a session while decoying, and the odd alphamax is ok.
I used to go with a shotgun hound pack pre ban but have never owned a centre fire, so please advise me on questions as below.
Health problems (arthritis) and damaged spine are a big problem for me.
Q1 at 60 is it worth me getting a centre fire ?
Q2 how severe is the recoil of a .223 ? All shots would be off a tripod standing or sitting, can't lay prone. All rounds would be factory loads, and from the research I have done for fox, corvid and rabbit 40 to 56 grain would be best with a 1 in 12 twist rate and 20 inch barrel.
Q3 I would like to pay about £700, but can only see a tikka T3 series or a remington 700 series that do 1 in 12. Or have I missed any ?
More people seem to be asking me to deal with a "problem fox" , and when I try to oblige, you always get the odd one sitting out at 100 plus yds.
All advice much appreciated.