Guys just thought I would give you a heads up. Stumbled across this wee shop and thought it was a breath of fresh air to have something like this in Northern Ireland. The shop is in Newtownards and they are specialising in Fly fishing gear suitable for the rivers of Ireland, probably the best thing about the shop is they offer a try before you buy service.
I spoke to a young fella called Mike who was very knowlegable with all the latest equipment, he is trying to bring in the best of gear for all budgets. He was telling me how frustrating it was for him starting out and not being able to get hands on experience of a rod until it was at his doorstep (ordering online and lack of tackle shops having hyer end gear to hand) which resulted in him selling a lot of rods shortly after buying them and losing money doing so. Which was the main reason for him to start up.
He is just starting out but everyday he is getting more equipment delivered and will eventually cover all aspects of fishing with spinning and sea fishing gear ordered as he told me.
Have a look at the website he is still updating and will happily order on request.
Sundays are the main testing day but as the days get longer he said he would be happy to accomodate evenings upon request, pricing is competitve too.