So, around three weeks ago whilst on holiday i scraped a parked bmw in a pub carpark, there was no one around so i left my details took pictures and carried on with my holiday. The owner called and details were exchanged, it turns out he works for bmw and it was a company car. During our discussion he said that the damage would be a simple job and he would have it done in house for a fixed employee fee of £300.00. Fine i thought as my excess will be a similar figure. The damage was minimal, not a lot at all! purely paintwork.
So today i received a quote from the bodyshop department at sytner bmw to the tune of £1200.40p
So does anyone have any advice? i will be contacting my insurance company shortly to begin proceedings.
I have pictures but unsure of how to upload now, can email them if someone would be so kind as to put them up for me
Cheers All
Could also upload the quote