My third trip out with Martin on the lamp and a large dog fox fell too our efforts this evening.
There was a set of eyes at the top of one field and it spelt fox to me, with the strong wind the sheep were all hiding in the hedge down the bottom.
I stopped the truck around 200 yards out and had a scan for the ruby eyes, “nuts” it had moved to the fence then slid into the wood.
So we checked a field behind…nothing…back to the spot and a set of eyes further along but hovering behind a fallen tree.
I put the Kahles on 12 mag but with the light sky the red filter was not giving me the ID I wanted. So whispered white light!!!A nice white chest and a gap in the branches’ ……bang …thud and a 1000 jack doors start to squawk.
Paced it to 170 so quite pleasing and a large exit wound from the 75 gn ballistic tips.