Shooting on spring sowings has been spasmodic in this part of the world. Drillings co-incided with some work and family commitments and I only had two days at them for a very modest 16 and 8. The pigeon just were not there in any numbers, but hope runs high for a late farm on our syndicate shoot where I managed 50 last year on barley drillings. This weekend I am dog sitting for a relative and this evening took a walk around the town which touches the countryside on the outward leg. I was surprised to see pigeon flighting and ,swooping to a set field. The surprise was that the grain was well sprouted and one inch to one and a half through the ground in some places. My previous experience on fields with sprouted grain has been that pigeon are not interested, peas and beans can be different but barley? Anyone else finding sprouted barely and attraction tom pigeons?