Just phoned my FEO about to see if they have recieved my SGC renewal forms along with my FAC and the 3 page letter of request to
have my FAC opened up in full on all calibers.
She said that my SGC hasn't yet gone in for proccess but is next inline to be dealt with. But my letter of request and my FAC has gone in for proccess
and i should hear from them about it in due course. But she hinted that it shouldnt' be to much of a problem for them
to grant me an open ticket, as all the evidence iv wrote about in the letter seems satisfactory. Most probably have
to make a few phone calls here an there with the numbers i have provided for them before making any decision.
So hopefully in a few weeks i should have my ticket back fully opened on all calibers and i can be free at last from mentoring an closed conditions.
Let you know how i get on soon as i hear any new about it from them. Fingers crossed all is good.