After a few weeks of childcare and general life issues preventing me from shooting, I finally had the chance to get out on a recently harvested pea stubble that had been drawing good numbers for a while. I set out full of the enthusiasm that comes from not getting a pigeon fix for a while! I was set up in a decent bale hide, whirly and flapper out, with 12 shells, wind behind me and slap bang where the pigeons wanted to be. I soon had 15 down when things started to transpire against me and my Silver Pigeon stopped firing the second barrel. It just would not clear. I resigned myself to 1 shot only and my shooting probably improved through the empasis of 1 chance. However frustration was an under statement as pairs and 3s decoyed beautifully, and many gimmee pair chances were lost. I had 44 down when the farmer then arrived to collect the bales.I couldn't have carried on safely, so had to pack up at 4pm.
As other PW guys have recently reported, one of those days when circumstances work against you, but an enjoyable day out in the hide nontheless. Gun is now at the gunsmiths being fixed and serviced.