Not a Red Letter Day but a few hours morning sport.....
Well fellas had a great start at first light today pulling in some pigeons over some cultivated fields, all from static half shell decoys which were slowly picked up and brought in as the feathered friends started to decoy. However after shooting approx 10 birds my English 20g sxs decided to give up the ghost and the first barrel decided to stop firing which was not ideal as the birds were just starting to drop in. So resorted to shooting with the 2nd trigger instead and having a few one shots but all in all not a bad result picked up a mixed bag of 26 and lost another 3 or 4 plus a few pricked birds that got away.
The dog had a bit of fun picking up in the process....
So its off to the gunsmiths next week for a nice little repair shame but i must get it back out in the field asap?