I went to collect a few bags of wheat for the pheasant shoot on Saturday morning and when I opened the doors to the grain store there were about 8 rats just sat there munching away with not a care in the world. I decided to go back this evening with a couple of small bales for a back stop armed with the .17 Mach2, Archer and the NM800. As soon as I opened the grain store door the rats were there again. I managed to shoot 3 that were against the wooden sleeper wall and then set the bales up next to the rat holes in the wall. I managed to shoot a couple more whilst it was light but it soon became dark so I switched over to spotting with the Archer and then shooting with the NM800 mounted on the scope. I picked 9, missed 1 and another managed to get back into its hole after being hit somehow. There were plenty more but not all safe shots. These were all shot free hand at ranges from 15-45 yards. Whilst I was waiting I had a quick squeak on the off chance of a fox in the field next to the store. The first scan with the Archer showed nothing so a bit more calling and the next scan showed 2 sets of eyes. The one came in well and I dropped it at about 60 yards, a baron vixen the other was a bit hesitant so I will go back for it tomorrow. It was a fun hour especially bowling these rats over with the Mach2.