A small holding who asked me to help out with the squirrels and rats after her fruit bushes and her son's garden he has there, has noticed a few rabbits about. I went out for a shine about with a lamp and seen a few and shot one.
I have put down a couple of live catch and mk6 fenns in tunnels, with no luck. I had a look around the nearby hedges and seen a couple of rabbit runs, and after reading steve caple's book on trapping and snaring and much internet research put down some snares on the sheep fencing. The snares are new and after checking regulary for a week they are untouched. The runs are not the best i've ever seen but are rabbit runs.
So how long should i leave them in place before trying something else ? Like i said, i did research and read before hand but don't claim to be any sort of expert on snaring.