The wood that came on my HW100 could never be described as anything other than ordinary. So amongst the other jobs this weekend, I gave it a going over. When I bought it, It was weirdly light in colour for Walnut, almost a fawn. I think it must have been the period where Weihrauch had a senior moment over their wood selection
Anyway, I stripped off all the original finish. Buffed back with various grades of glasspaper. Washed off and then left to dry. A coat of Walnut stain to put back into the wood, what should have already been there Left to dry overnight, then the oiling started yesterday. Its had two coats of Linseed oil, wet sanded with 800 w/d so far. I will build up the coats over the next few weeks until I get the right finish....prob about 8-10.
First pic with the bunnies is how it was.
Few shots of progress so far