I picked my daughter up today from university for the Christmas break and she filled the motor up with "stuff". It was a miserable journey, poured down, there and back.
Some therapy was needed on the way home. I had a browse and picked up 100 rounds of RWS .22 HP subsonics to try. In truth i've been really happy shooting .22 Eley subs which shoot clover leaf groups at 65 yards.
You all know what this shooting game is, it's nice to try something new every now and again. I opened a box at home and they are covered in some sort of lubricant and I couldn't see a bullet with a hollow point in it!
So anybody got any experiences using these RWS rounds? Opinions welcomed but so far to be honest i'd condem them to the plinking box!
My .22LR is an Anshutz 1417 G XIV with a SAK moderator.
Thanks gents.