Winston Churchill's once said: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
In this electronic world the average voter can now have an electronic conversation as evidenced 123,077 misguided signatories to Chris Packham "Ban Driven Grouse Shooting"
As a shooting man or women from time to time you may be called upon to defend your sport or correct the misinformation put about (BBC) and on this basis may a recommend to you (as was recommended to me) the following book: The Facts Of Rural Life.
This takes a non sentimental look at the need to "manage" the British countryside and yes Badgers, Foxes and Raptors are included.
The Veterinary Association for Wildlife Management (VAWM) commissioned this book and it is based on science: • the loss, or potential loss, of many vulnerable species; • the consequences of ill-thought through legislation; • the problems created by over protectionism; • the failure to recognise, or even understand, any need for pro-active management of certain dominant species. VAWM is particularly frustrated by the simplistic vision of the countryside and its wild inhabitants that is so often portrayed on television and in the popular press.
PS Consider joining the GWCT -