So after reading the thread on log splitters I took the plunge. Last time I bust up a bunch of logs with the maul I was sweating buckets, wheezing and generally feeling a little uncomfortable at the end of it. My swesticles had their own, very personal, shower going on too, not nice.
I opted for an easi-split pro off the bay. Comes with a stand for £265 delivered. We have two log burners and a fireplace in every room, so I think we'll be getting through a fair few logs over the coming years.
Now, I rang my mate, who's in his late fifties and he laughed, told me they were a waste of time and the smart man gets warm twice. Plus, they take too long to split logs. I say cobblers, I don't want to be wheezing my way through the tipper load being delivered this weekend (allegedly already split but I've heard that before!).
What say those of you with a log splitter already? Money well spent or, as I'm only just the other side of 40 and only a little bit lardy, a waste of cash and should I man up, go back to swinging the maul, and risk losing an ankle at some point in the near future?
Thoughts on a virtual postcard please. By the way, I also need some tips on a chainsaw, I don't need anything über macho, looking at the stihl ms171, which should do for the small stuff I have to deal with, I'm not about to go logging in the rockies. A good choice?