A few weeks ago some 14 pigeon accidentally collided with my shot pattern and found there way to my plucking shed(lock up garage) . These were all young birds with white neck rings just forming so having picked out four with the least number of pellets I fully plucked and dressed those 4 and filleted the remainder. Sunday past I retrieved the 4 birds from the freezer and allowed to de-frost and decided to give them the roast grouse treatment , that is short and hot. Seasoned with salt and pepper, half a sausage in the rear and a rasher of streaky bacon over the breast. Twelve minutes in a fan oven at 190 deg, and twenty minutes resting under tinfoil. Without a doubt it was the most tender meat I have ever eaten virtually melted in the mouth. It was inclined more to the red side of pink but all my guests voted it a big success. Next time 15 minutes in the oven and see what happens. In passing I would add that the birds had all been feeding on beech mast and were not only tender but delicious also.