This afternoon decided to change the springs in 17hmr and 22lr.I had slackened them off as much as i could with the factory spring fitted but just wanted to lighten the pull on the trigger a little more so i bought two Yodave kits.
I fitted the second lightest spring out of each kit into each rifle.
I never fitted any shims as i could not feel any creep on the trigger.
I should have changed the springs ages ago as the difference was apparent straight away.
The pull is much easier and will take a bit of getting used too.
I hardly put any pressure on the triggers and you get a nice clean pull.
Tried the 17hmr out this afternoon and got three rabbits.
Took the 22lr out tonight for an hour and got one rabbit but rain stopped the shooting.
Will have to set the targets out again and see if it will make any difference.