got up early today in the hope of bagging some rabbits, had a slow walk around my welsh perm and to check on what the pigeons and corvids are doing on the drilled barley field as i will be shooting over it with the 12g in the morning
It was just breaking light and as i drove down the lane about 50 to 60 crows lifted, i waited a while and the odd one would make a show but was too far when they landed to take out with my huntsman classic, anyway after spending 2 hours looking through the bino,s from the car decided to have a little walk round,
On my way back i decided to sit on the edge of the wood and have a fag,suddenly i noticed TWO greys mucking about in the tree approx 35 to 40 yrds away,
pulled the trigger and the first one dropped like a stone but what suprised me the most was the second one never even flinched,so i slowly cocked the rifle again ,put the crosshairs on number 2 grey pulled the trigger and THUD a perfect head shot he also dropped ,
safe to say i walked back to the car with a large grin on my face, well worth the trip and wait,,