Hi guys, hope someone can throw some light on my dog?
Bought this as a puppy nearly 7 months ago, the guy assured me it was a good allround hunting crossbreed dog but Im not so sure. I have called him Monty.
Bit early I know but as training was going so well I took it on our first pheasant shoot of the season. I expected great things but Im afraid he let me down big time, before Id even got the gun out of its slip hed mounted the leg of an old spaniel then promptly attacked the shoot captains dog (a very expensive pedigree lab). The lab was a cracking working dog but unfortunately wont be able to breed now after the injury (although the vet says he may be well enough to work again by Christmas)
Whilst we were applying a dressing to the wounded dogs crown jewels monty slipped quietly away into the shoot barn and promptly emptied someones lunch bag. Rookie error, leaving your grub on the floor! He enjoyed the contents so much he decided to **** on it, whilst passing water he decided a number 2 was required as well.
My hopes of his bad behaviour being forgotten soon disapeared as the Captain came rushing into the barn to see me, he unfortunately didnt see the package left by Monty. Well, long story short, he should be back on the shoot by christmas which was convenient I thought....
Anyway, back to my original question..Does anyone know what cross he may be? Hope you can help, thanks.