Hi all,
Just had my FAC interview with the FEO and had applied for 2x .22rf one for day and one for night, a .17hmr and multishot shotgun. Was granted the multishot shotgun no problems, but he would only grant 1X .22rf and wouldn't grant the .17hmr until ive have practise with the .22 and been out with someone with a .17hmr. But what he did say was some people in the area have had problems with their .17hmr ammo and blown the guns up and that the .17hmr isnt very good in wet or windy weather, so suggest maybe a .223 would be better suited. My questions are:
What are the differences between .17hmr and .223??
Im looking to shoot rabbit and fox what are the pros and cons of the 2 rounds for rabbit and fox??
Im also looking for experience of either the .17hmr or .223 in the field, is there anyone that is willing to help me with this in the Kent/Essex area, just as an observer would be fine so I can gain experience of the calibre and the FEO is happy that im safe and know how the ammo reacts???