To avoid corrupting the "other thread".
I for one am not too happy about this exreme high bird carry-on for the same reasons as the majority of posters on that thread have identified. In which case, it is not an unrealistic stretch of the imagination to say that there's probably more than one bunch out there who will be 'horrified' and even more determined to get our sport curtailed if not stopped altogether.
Now, it might just transpire that there's enough money/power/influence at the top to prevent a total loss, but you can bet your bottom dollar that there will need to be a compromise and we will in all likelyhood lose control of what we do and be regulated in doing it provided we escape total oblivion that is. It is perfectly conceivable that we could be required to accept, say, the German system and we'll need to acquire a UK version of the 'Jagdschein'. Justifiably, perhaps, BASC Membership will not be too keen to object to this.
As I can not see vermin control by shooting being totally stopped then all is well if the Jagdschein is sufficient to keep game shooting in play, but if it is not and the only shooters left in existence are the Jagdschein holding vermin controllers, can you imagine the result?
Therefore, to avoid any chance of the above occurring (but I do still think something is bound to to whatever degree), I really think that our organisations need to get together and jointly read us the "riot act" purely for our own benefit.