Just purchased a set of these in preference to my ear muffs which tend to get in the way at times, Unfortunately they were an impulse buy and at the right price so I did not read any reviews.
Having got them home and tried them for fit they appear excellent and are certainly less cumbersome and better looking than ear muffs. However, try as I might, I just cannot figure out how to tell the difference between hearing mode and shooting mode, when I press the little red button on each earbud it returns to the same position when released, so as far as I can see, there is no way to tell visually which mode they are in.
Having now read some of the reviews they are basically a mixed bag ranging from rubbish to excellent, but the common theme appears to be based on the mode issue, Some are suggesting to clap you hands twice whilst switching between modes, shout out whilst switching or simply switch modes whilst somebody else close by is shooting.
Now, I have dismissed the two former suggestions as I have no real desire to look like a raving lunatic just before stepping into the cage, and the latter suggestion would be a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has already bolted. So does anybody out there have any experience of these ??, or at least know of a workable solution please.