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  1. Over the last few weeks i have been like a social butterfly flitting from one project to another....and i think this one, will be of interest to a few.. The HW77 is going to go retro ...and i shall be fitting a quality diopter sight to it...a peep sight....an aperture sight....my first air rifle was a webley Mk 3..with an aperture sight...i did not fully understand the idea but i became very good with it...outshooting all my mates who had open sights........ Quality diopter sights are very expensive...up to a £1000 quid some of them....a gentleman all very well know to us on this forum, contacted me a couple of days ago suggesting we meet in neutral terrortary down at the Acle sale...(thats where us "good ole boys" go to to have a natter and get away from the ole gull on a wednesday and thursday).......he duly turned up in some sort of FORIEGHN PICKUP.....and laid a bag out in the back cover.(.an offer of payment was made and refused...so a continued promise of a hand made knife in the autumn was reafirmed)..the contents of which are posted below............... can only be described as British enjineering at its best...looks and feels like a quality micrometer....this particular model was made for the P14 rifle and had been successfully used by the owner at Bisley in long range target shooting out to 1200yds plus....(not with a P14 tho') i intend to fit it to my HW77 by unscrewing the locating block...making a spacer ..and drilling 2 holes in a reshaped (milled) pitcany block/rail ..and either thread rod or screwed...doing it that way will result in a good and well seated sight without damaging the diopter in any way shape or form... In the package was an Anshutz adjustable iris/multi filter peep veiwer..........this being Made in West Germany the threads are different to the imperial of the Alfred Parker diopter...i have someone sourcing a reducer adapter for that at the moment..........and all that is left for me to do...is to find a Hunting basic screw in peep/aperture and a suitible rail that i can drill out......... I cant do anything just yet as i have to wait for the front barrel latch to be fitted...as thats where the front site will sit and i need the height meausurment before i start drilling out the pitcany rail... so watch this space and i will update it as and when
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