Increasingly I find myself getting irritated at the sight of Ivy engulfing trees and hedges. As I look out of the window at a nearby allotment there are trees so covered in Ivy that only a few branches protrude at the top of the tree and what were once small bushes are now just green blobs of Ivy. Gone are the variety of shapes and form as Mother Nature intended. They are defaced into mis-shapen eyesores. I wonder too whether over time Ivy will choke to death the host tree.
Some folk may argue that it is beneficial in that ivy provides wild life with both habitat and food (berries). But over time at what cost? How long before the city and countryside becomes an amorphous mass of dark green blobs.
Perhaps it should become one of Mr Gove's green subsidy requirements the landowners (both public and private) take steps to eradicate Ivy?
Rant over.