So yesterday I rang my “new” game dealer to take in my freezer full of pigeons only to discover he has ceased trading, this wouldn’t normally be a problem as I would drive the extra 20 minutes to keythorpe game in tugby.
The problem is, I’d heard on the grapevine he didn’t want frozen pigeons any more so I decided to give him a ring, turns out he isn’t taking FRESH OR FROZEN pigeons at the minute as there is no market for them as he says there is an excess of them in cold storage in this country.
Now this is only one game dealer but it’s something I’ve never heard of before and makes me wonder if this is the beginning of the end of pigeon shooting as we know it? My stock of frozen will be used up as decoys and unless I can find another game dealer local enough birds will be left where they drop or I will stop shooting them.
i don’t care how much I get for them either, it’s more important to me that they are used.
If anyone knows of another game dealer local to Leicester, Northampton, Rugby or Ketttering direction I would be glad to hear of them.
i have two well known “guides” in my area in Matt Cole and Toby Manners and it makes me wonder where all their birds go, perhaps I should contact them and try to find out