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  1. seen as we as shooters are brain washing children into mindless animal killing i thought id post my 2p worth. my son joshua, he's 3 and a bit and actually enjoys tagging along when i go out. he comes rabbiting,lamping,crow shooting, practising ect and come to collect eggs/feed chickens and turkeys and comes to the wood when im logging up and he has his own quad. he is currently walking the mile round trip down stubble fields to the ponds to feed up the ducks. for a 3 year old he knows quite a bit and can tell the difference between ducks/pigeons/crows/geese/owls and always notices when there are animals about. and he gets plenty of fresh air, away from dvds and tv. when he hears the cabinet door he comes running thru with his wellies shouting 'im comming'. and he knows when i miss, a miss is usually followed by a 'daddy missed' from the back of the car.
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