Barrel catch i bid for on e-bay came today......DONT BLOODY FIT....i cant even see how to fit it to the barrel even if it did fit....surely it dont "glue" on...
the HW77 is an original one imported via Hull Cartridges....enjine No is...1182143....not the carbine version...18"/46cm barrell............
there are 3 model Mk 1..Mk 2...Mk 3...i rekon this is a 1989 model as near as i can make it which is on the cusp of Mk2/3...........yet chamber/knibbs say the Mk2/3 catch is the same ..!!
where am i going this a copy / chinese...or are these barrel catches fixed on ?..........
only someone who has taken his/hers apart will know
answers please...........