Last night after accumulating masses of brownie points my better half suggested i pop out shooting as it was so nice,who am i to argue.
Yesterday i decided to change all my scopes about, so the .22 now has just iron sights,and is very light great fun and still very accurate, and i took my nikko scope and replaced the night vision on the hmr,giving it the range back i wanted.
So popped out to test the hmr and saw lots of rabbits but went to a spot where there is a large chain mail fence running up a 200yd strip and made myself comfy,the fence is good as you can be accurate with your distances.
It wasn't long before 5 bunnies came out and no1 was shot at 106yds and his mate that stayed behind to watch went soon after at 125yds,both nice head shots
I went for a stroll around the chicken farm and squeaked this boy in and gave him a headache that a couple of asprin won't cure,he was well fed and surprisingly heavy.