Recently i swapped some reloading kit for an old .410 single, thought it might come in ok for dog training being lighter and less recoiling and a bit less stess on a young dogs ear drums.
Anyways i picked up a few fibre wad 3" eleys 18grm no.6 and put them on paper, nice groups at 20yds but looking a bit thin at 25. but hey the velocity is there so i thought i will have a go with this sometime. I have had a few .410's many years ago and i never realy found them very humane or even very usable to be frank. Anyhow either the shells have come a long way or i knew very little of range when i was a teenager.
The thing kills like a lightning bolt! 8 shells fired all one handed lamping for 4 kills and 4 missed those never even flinched so i am gonna say they were all clean misses, its not moderated but the game dont seem to particular care if its windy and best of all it dont smash them up at short range like the 12 so perfect for cold game training and the table. Guess what Lil gun is also the powder they seem to like (the same as my hornet) so i just might start re-loading it, i am already saving the cases.
these things are kinda usefull round me as i often struggle to get a good clean path for a .22 bullet with the rushy fields and heather etc. Basically it makes the shots and covers the ground thats hard with the rifle and you certainly dont need to be as mindfull of backstops
Now does anyone know of any box lock non ejector doubles going cheap or loading presses?