got a text from farmer sat a.m. started cutting rape on big field about 100 acres will be finished sat night pigeon activity allready, nice little spot this sandwiched between 2 woods 36 and 200 acres and surrounded by 600 acres of uncut rape on 3 sides on other farms, we arrived sunday 9am drove to the highest spot to survey f/ lines and was greeted to a sea of stubble all the other rape had been cut over night . we sat watching for 3 hours not a pigeon in sight and went back to old faithful barley stubble on f/line out of village shot 30 on there way to rape. shot 4 coming back that pitched in to decoys that were so full of rape seed they coulnt of fit any barley in, just about saved the day. back to work monday. my mate went back monday 2 fields allready pulled up set up and shot 8 crows and 8 pigeons from pulled up field. 2 blokes shot one of the other stubbles where we dont have perms on tuesday and were shooting all day on tuesday.