Just back from having a run round the local estate where several of us have permission to shoot pigeons. I dont know how many acres have been sown since last week- seven days exactly- but it must be in excess of 1000. Seeing those half track John Deere tractors attack a field cultivating and sowing at the same time is a vast contrast to seed times past when a procession of little grey Fergys and larger Nuffields Fordsons went back and forth for a day before the seed barrow entered the field. Anyway over the past week I have had moderate success the two days I was out and seeing beans being sown yesterday anticipation was high for today. What we did have was torrential rain overnight, the local river brown and rising this morning, and the bean field actually had water standing on the surface. A few steps on the tilth made it obvious that the trek back and forward to put down decoys and pick up the slain, there's optimism for you, would have resulted in more damage to the sown crop than what the pigeons would create. Fingers crossed for a drying wind and a bit sunshine before tomorrow. That estate must now be fully seeded ,but on the optimistic side several of the smaller holdings have not had the seed barrow in the fields yet.