Is it me? Am I the only one fed up with finding empty cartridge cases chucked down where they were fired. Every year I pick up three or four carrier bags full of empty cases and debris around one of the farms where I shoot. I went out today and found two fresh nests of em. Perhaps I'm getting old and tetchy but I'm P'd off with picking up somebody else's rubbish. One of the little caches even had the empty box and a coke tin to go with the 50 odd cases laying there. The farmer had the hump with it all a few years ago and was trying to find out who was responsible but never did, I pick them up for fear of being tarred with it and getting turfed off with everyone else when the farmer finally blows his top. I rarely see anyone else out there because I tend to be out shooting when everyone else is at work and vice versa. And yes I know you're all going to say that you are goody two shoes and always take them home ........... I need to calm down, petty it may be but......... oh well where's the rum, is the sun over the yard arm yet