Talk about fuming i am livid.
I have taken a local (to me) guy on my perms several times over the last 18 months,
So i rang him Thurs to say farmer giles has just drilled 4 fields of beans and had phoned me to say one of the fields is covered in pigeons,so do you fancy shooting on Saturday as i am working Friday? My mate said he couldnt due to other comittments so i said no worries,end of call.I got finished at work early today so went for a walk around the area to look for flight lines etc ready for tomorrow,could hear gun shots from a distance but thought nothing of it
.As i approached one of the fields it was aparrent somebody was shooting it,odd this( as i am sole perm shooter)then i see my mates car in the farm yard.At this point my blood was boiling so i phoned the farmer who told me my mate had come to see him saying i was busy and couldnt shoot this field so sent him instead
.I then sat down for 10 mins to calm down and thought about trashing his car etc but ended up going home,where i phoned him to see how things were....NOT one mention of him shooting or going to my perm so i didnt mention i knew.
Might feel different tomorrow but i doubt it.
Rant over