Just got back from the shooting show at Birmingham.
I can't decide if I enjoyed it or not !!.
We got there at 8.45am and waited in the main entrance, it was suppose to open at 9 but it was more like 9.15 when the doors opened- to the cheer of the crowd.
I wanted the new Nitesite wolf dark ops night sight, do I had a good chat with john on the nitesite stand and got the low down on the new set up, he,d done a good sales pitch so I bought one from Scott country. I had a good look round but there didn't seem to be any bargains ??, I realy wanted some new muck boots but there went any for sale.
I honestly dont thnk it was as good as it hss been in the past
I think I'll give it a miss next year ??
Any body else been