With the new rules now put back to Jan 2019 , it seems fenns are reprived a little bit longer.
I know this ruling is an international thing, but why is it only stoats ? Surely if it's ok for a bigger animal, say rat, it's ok for a smaller animal like a stoat ? The time from capture to death which is what it's all about must be less for a stoat than a rat or does each animal get alloted their own time limit ?
Is it to purposely to protect stoats ?
I personally only use fenns to target rat, odd squirrel and odd rabbit. The rats around the farm buildings are targeted all year round, with the others only as needed. There is no shoot, the only threat stoats could pose is in the chicken coop, but with only one or two seen now and then, I class them as friend not foe.
I can understand some people need to control them, so is this ruling aimed at other countries more than us, where they are harvested for fur rather than a pest species and we are just caught up in it ?