Had a look at a big ole pea field yesterday, the farm decided to put em all in one big block and reduce margins for less pigeon impact. BIG SHAME where they were originally going to split it over four fields they would have been much better for shooting. Never mind, at first glance the big field looked really strong, no pigeons, thick crop and the manager has made a good choice, but sat for a while with binos and gradually I saw a line, not massive but steady, probably half a mile down the field, (its a big field) Then about 200- 300 took off back down the flight line, then slowly came back in. theres one tree to get under and a set of lines off to one side that a few birds were coming down also, it looks so promising. I think the majority of the crop looks so strong the farm has not looked at the corners right out the back and thats where its getting it!!!
So the birds are out of the freezer, and the hazel is cut, nice south westerly breeze makes it good for the hide placement, sunny spells. Will tomorrow be my day, I don't ask for much, I have yet to have a hundred bird day, now I have bigged it all up Im expecting nothing but hoping for more!!!