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Salt marsh and foreshore guns .


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I have noticed some posts lately where shooters are worried about using their guns on the foreshore or salt marshes in case they damage them from the salty air . Belive me ,you wont damage your gun using it on the foreshore if you clean it after use . yes they will get wet and proberbly get a light covering of salty air over them and yes left unattended they will proberbly start to corrode quicker than if not used on the salt marshes .


Over the years I have owned many ,many guns and they have all been used on the foreshore and salt marshes and not one of them has been rusted through . They are not made from sugar or candy floss and all guns are capable of many years of hard use provided they are looked after . If I was fortunate to own a best English gun ,then I would use it on the foreshore without any worries what so ever .


Dont worry about damaging your gun on the marsh or the fore shore . So long as you clean it after each shoot you will be fine . The only time that I clean a gun after every shoot is when it has been on the marshes or the foreshore .


So go on and enjoy your favourite best English gun on the foreshore .


Harnser .

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