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Claytrap stolen


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We arrived at the Reindeer clay shoot this morning to find that someone had broken in to the container overnight and stolen one of our traps.

Its a carousel type clay trap, and was loaded with orange clays at the time of the theft.

The trap is security marked and the police have been and examined the footprints and taken finger prints off the bolt cropper the theiving scum left behind.

If anyone has any info about our traps whereabouts or if your offered a trap like this one around west yorkshire please let me know.

Any info will be treated in the strictest confidence.

We are only a small club and we cannot afford to have things like this stolen,

Thanks for reading this, Daveo

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I think the trap was actually a 'Promatic', they obviously knew what they were looking for and took a while to get it away judging by the prints etc in the snow.


There were also fresh quad bike tracks in the snow along with the wheels of the trap, so looks like a quad was used somehow.


Thieving scumbags.



Dave B

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