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Reg Booty

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Hiya Guys,


New to the forum, first post !


I have been using this site as a fantastic source of information for quite a while and the tips given are great ! Only realised that I am able to post whilst at work!


Doh !


Thought our Head I.T weirdo would ban such a thing but seems I am able to get away with it....


Good news for me, bad news for productivity and sales.........


Anyway, I need a bit of help with where do I get hold of a "quick fill adapter" to fit on the end of the dive tank hose for my S400 1.77

I need one because A) at my club they have a universal fitting to refill all PCP's and all I have is the Air Arms attachment that came with the rifle and :thumbs: I go shooting with my mate who has the HW100 - so we keep changing the hose off my tank to put his attachment on in order to refill..........


Gets a bit tiresome !


Is there a cheap alternative to buying one from lets say Uttings or JSR ?


Any help guys would be great

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Reg Booty - welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it. I think the guys on here are very helpful.



Ps I hope your supervisor doesn't find you first post or your life on here may be short :):lol::lol:


(Quote: Thought our Head I.T weirdo .... and Good news for me, bad news for productivity and sales.........) :lol:

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Your dead right Big Dog ! Hadn't thought of that...... :):lol: :*)


P45 tis on its way....... :lol:


Fairly pleased with myself as I have just managed to obtain some shooting land close by in Penn. ;)

After reading some of the sound advice posted here, I finally picked up enough courage to stop at this Dairy Farm that I pass by every day - it attracted my attention as it has a serious crow problem in its surrounding trees just waiting for the cows feed time ( i think ! )

It probably helped that I was courteuos and smartly dressed as on my way home, and the fact that I offered to help out if he needed it in return for the favour. I was kind of kicking myslef as I was nervous about knocking - took me 6 months of driving past to actually pick up the courage to stop and just ask!


Its about 10 to 12 acres so should keep me busy....for a bit... :lol:


Just goes to show that actually knocking on the door works better than probably just sending letters to people, after all the Farmer hasn't got a clue what the person is like who wrote it.


All that club practice is going to be put to good use, but out smarting the crows will be a challenge.........

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All that club practice is going to be put to good use, but out smarting the crows will be a challenge.........

Blooming hard are those crows.

Get WELL camoed up and well hidden. You need to bait them in.

Here is my plan for tommorow morning...........


Get a tin of sardines and put on foil dish/plate. This acts as a smelly and visible lure. Get well hidden at a safe distance. Call in with crow call........ and wait.

This is going to be around the farm buildings but in the field a slit open rabbit works well. Just peg it down to sop it being moved!!


Good luck and keep us posted.

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Just goes to show that actually knocking on the door works better than probably just sending letters to people, after all the Farmer hasn't got a clue what the person is like who wrote it.

Too right. Just think how you react to that pile of unsolicited letters offering all sorts of services that land on your doormat every day.

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