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Getting new permission tip.... get a puppy!


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Twice this week I've been out with my 5 month old Black Lab "Rufus" and passed people along the way. Now, whereas normally you'd nod and say hello and that would be that, both times they have commented on the pup so we stopped and chatted.


Being a black lab and me usually having some camo on, they both asked if I was going to work him. I replied yes and told them how he was coming on - he'll stop, stay and come on the whistle and has even bought a pigeon back to me a couple of times. So then they ask what sort of shooting I do and when I mentioned lamping rabbits they replied - "Oh, we've got loads on our fields!"


Turned out one was a farmers wife from the next village and the other has a 12acre paddock which I shone the lamp through the gate last night on the way to go lamping and saw about 8 just sitting near the gate, didn't react to the lamp at all.


If I hadn't had the pup, I'd have just said hello and kept walking.


Another quick but less tongue in cheek tip for measuring your land, go to google maps, click on my maps and you should see an option called something like "Browse the directory", go here and you can add tools to google maps, one of which is an area calculator, click around your area to colour it all in and it will read out in acres, sq mtrs, hectares and square feet.

Edited by Colster
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