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Dog off Food


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I have a 1 year old cocker spaniel Dog. He is a small dog and weighs around 14KG. He is perfectly healthy and has loads of energy and is alaways wagging his tail. The problem seems to be he goes on and off his food. Over the christmas period he hardly ate anything for around a week and lost a couple of Kilos. Was just about to take him to the vet when he started eating again. Recently he has also been off his food ie only eating breakfast.


I feed him on dog mince, Chicken wings / thighs, Hearts etc. He also gets canned food as well.


Does anyone else have this and is it common? He gets about 1 - 1.5 hours exercise a day and lives in a kennel and run but gets in the house during the day at weekends and evenings midweek.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a 1 year old cocker spaniel Dog. He is a small dog and weighs around 14KG. He is perfectly healthy and has loads of energy and is alaways wagging his tail. The problem seems to be he goes on and off his food. Over the christmas period he hardly ate anything for around a week and lost a couple of Kilos. Was just about to take him to the vet when he started eating again. Recently he has also been off his food ie only eating breakfast.


I feed him on dog mince, Chicken wings / thighs, Hearts etc. He also gets canned food as well.


Does anyone else have this and is it common? He gets about 1 - 1.5 hours exercise a day and lives in a kennel and run but gets in the house during the day at weekends and evenings midweek.



Does he spend several hours a day in the week on his own?


Could be lonely: depressed.



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My 18mth old is just the same. if he had had loads of work then he eats like a horse, if its a quite day then he will pick at it. he is on one meal aday as he wont touch a morning feed. I use to worry about it but now i know his weight and what he is up to, keeping an eye on his stool helps to know what hes up to. also if he has a stinky **** then we know he will not eat much until he has got rid of what ever has caused the stink.

not the first time i have hear this either. seams to be a bit of a trait with cockers.


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