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Best commands to use to train a new pup


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Just got a new English Springer puppy (Tara) to day and was wanting to start using a few simple commands that I can carry on throughout her training. Seen lots of threads on voice, hand and whistle commands and was trying to find out what is the best mix and when should I start on different commands.


All help would be welcome, i do relise that this is going to be a long process and it will take alot of practice and time and that I shouldn't expect miricles over night however just want to start off on the right foot.





Edited by RSWO
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Get yourself the Joe Irving training spaniel book and stick to one lot of advise.


I started with Sit (Voice) at meal times and when solid, then moved onto whistle (i use 1 pip)

Playing in the garden as the pup comes back to you, call its name and give plenty of praise, again when solid on recall to voice introduce whistle ( I use 4 pips)



Have fun

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At that young age, you should be bonding with the pup... make sure you take it slow, Typically training Spaniels begins in earnest at around 6-8 months old, so you have plenty of time!


That said, there's no harm in developing a "list" of commands you will use for later life, and making sure that you (and the rest of the family) stick to them! Write them down and post them to the fridge door or something!


Personally I like one syllable commands... Sit, Stay, Come, Dead, leave etc... You'll get a 1000 different answers, as everyone seems to have a different way of handling their dogs :yp:


Once you've instilled the basics by voice command, you can combine that with a whistle... You'll have to decide how many pips you blow for each command then too!


By all means start with the basics, like sitting for food, basic short recall by name and mostly importantly heal work on the lead for now - he's very young - you don't want to rush it :D


The Joe Irving book is a good one (get it from amazon, and if you PM your address i'll post you a couple of spaniel training dvds)


Most of all.... good luck and let's see some pictures!

Edited by garyb
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Deff right there Gary, the biggest problem i had with my 1st springer was listening to advise from so many people

Some trainers of some subscription....


You learn so much from your mistakes which makes the 2nd dog a bit easier to train, dare i use that word :D


Best to get a book, stick with it and ask questions if you dont understand what it is explaining, rather then asking for advise on how to train...hope that makes some sense :yp:

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