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daisy's update


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Well, it's good days and bad days lately but I thought I'd let you know how it's going;


Retrieving, she's pretty good usually but she's taken to running around me before she'll bring whatever to me and distractions (especially other dogs) cause problems - once she's got something in her head (like "I want to play with the other dog" for example) she won't listen to voice or whistle - any advice?


Obedience wise, she can be great and she can be a nightmare but she's getting better slowly.


Nerves, this was a big problem - she'd run/cower from alsorts; strangers, dogs, the sight of me with a gun :D and any strange noise but she's improved quite a lot when it comes to dogs and people - everything else is a work in progress :yp: I had a word with her tonight though, being scared of cats really isn't on for a dog :D


She's getting better with the whistle but I've been giving one "peep" for change direction and two for come, she doesn't seem to understand there's a difference, anyone know how to solve this?


That's about as far as I've got, softly softly and all that but she's definately improving :beer:


My work seems to be a bit of a barrier lately as I've had to spend a fair bit of time away from home and it always seems to result in a step backwards but it all comes good in the end.

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FW..you are answering your own questions..

like all of us our puppies go through things like running after other dogs , not doing what we want them to do..but at the same time they have good days some are even great :D


when they are young they are like children...some days are good some days they do what they want...

but as you say..... she is getting better :yp:


we all want our dogs to be superb, but sometimes we just got to let them be puppies :D and I'm sure they know they are testing our patients....


just enjoy the good times..they will get better as she gets older :beer:



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