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racing pigeon

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I was at my mum and dad last night having a beer with the old man when i noticed what looked like a ferral bird on the pergoda whislt having a fag in the garden.

I thought checky ****** so walked towards it to scare it off but not until i go 2 foot away i realised it had rings round its feet so was a racer.

anyway i held my arm up to it and it jumped on like a pet (really weird considering ur luck to get within 10foot of a pigeon and i like shooting and eating them)

It finily jumped off and landed next to the pond trying to get a drink out of the fiter box but it was a little to far a way so i walked over (the bird walked back a bit) and turned the filter round towards the edge. The bird then walks over towards me and starts dunking his head under the water outlet drinking and did so for a good 5 mins till mother walked up and spooked it off.

I found this bloody fascinating so took a few pics on my phone and will post as soon as i can work out how to :oops:

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I had a racer adopt me the other year. It had been blown off course in a race and I traced the owner to Glasgow. I even took the ****** 30 miles north to my p[lace of work, released it and then had it come back to my place that very night. It would even walk into the house at times. After it had recovered condition I stopped feeding it and it decided to head back home.

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