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X -Bolt owner reviews please


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hello people,


I've eventually narrowed my search for a .243 down to the Browning X-Bolt in Stainless/Synthetic, most of my shooting friends use Tikka T3's or older Sako's but none use any Browning models as yet.


I've plumped for the Browning as I use Miroku shotugns and a rifle coming from the same stable will surely be a well built, no frills useable tool.


Anyway, I was wondering if anyone (who actually own's one) can provide some pro's/con's to the X-Bolt??


Especially now as its been about for a while and people have had the chance to actually use it for what it's meant to be used for, both on the hill or in the woods in all weathers.


I've read the reviews in the mags but they don't count for much, i'd rather hear from people out there doing the buisness with the X-Bolt.


Look forward to hearing your experiences





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got the exact gun your after in 243.no problems at all except i find it a little stiff to cock if you have 4 rounds in the mag .get a mod on it though its light so recoils without.i use a dm80 but will be trying the new compact dm80 in the next couple of weeks .mine shoots 100grn sp normas under an inch at 125 m .i only shoot 1 round for fox and deer,so i stick with normas.its light accurate and well priced ..get one. :hmm::lol:


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Thanks for the reply derek,


Nice looking set-up you have there.


I have only heard good thigns about the X-Bolt but it's nice to hear the end user review.


I have been looking at several Mods to try, I like the look of the PES Scout over barrel to minimise barrel length as I tend to carry the rifle Muzzle down, but that comes at a weight gain disadvantage?


Wonder how much it'll tip it forward with that mod and a Harris strapped on?


I'll take a look at the DM80 and a few others, no doubt the readily available T8 will be a contender but the "ting" noise puts me off when letting a round off.


Ta again



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