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Dont give up with letters


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I see quite a few people on here say permission letters are a waste of time , but not for me . I shoot over a good amount of land allready but always on the look out for more . Afew weeks ago i headed out door knocking and found that a few farms where no 1 was in did not have any letter box that i could see to leave a card so when i got home i found there address and sent them a letter . In total i sent out 12 letters and to date ive had 8 back, 3 saying no,2 yes with details and numbers to call 1 asking me to call after harvest and 2 saying they will keep me in mind !


So its always worth a try sending a letter if you ask me :good::)

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I have sent out over 60 letters in the last 18 months and only had 2 replies both were a friendly "no" all the others have been followed up with a visit resulting in 2 permissions.

I am not put off and will still send or hand deliver letters to farms it is a great way of breaking the ice when you turn up and tell the farmer who you are, there is a better connection with the farmer then when cold calling.



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i have also send endless letters none of which had a result so sat at home twiddling my thumbs waiting for sept to come to be able to go down the pond but have not given up hope got a bloke who lives across the road who has a lot of shooting and has his ears open 4 me so hopefully something will eventully crop up :yes:

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  • 1 month later...
Dont get despondent as some nice landowner/farmer will eventually say yes.(Like the man from Delmonte).Just keep trying.Jim.



Hi guys new here - I just sent out 100 letters to farms in the Midlands. Had 9 replies in 14 days resulting in 7 comfirmed permissions. Would you pay £40 for 7 permissions?


I KNOW letters work but it all depends on approach and basic English skills. I have seen a few letters sent by others and to be honest a couple look like a chimp wrote them e.g. bad spelling and grammar etc etc.


Top Tip: Know and admit your limitations: get someone with decent English skills to go over your letter and alter it to suit. I am not posting this to be "funny" or "flame/troll" it really does help. Look at it like sending your CV for a job, it is your FIRST contact and first impressions go a LONG LONG way, so make it a good one. To prove the point I knocked mine up and gave it to my wife - she ripped it to shreds and then re-hashed it into a nicely worded easily understandable document. It was a lot better than my sorry effort!!


Look at the letter/flyer and think "Would I throw it straight in the bin?". If you would consider why and try and fix it. Get family members to look at it and give coments/ideas.


I sincerely hope this helps a few people - it worked wonders for me.

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