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I have 4 puntguns 1 is a modern gun with a short heavy barrel it do's not shoot as hard as the long barreled guns i had an old muzzle loader that had a joined barrel it was joined by a doubling piece like a pipe joiner on the out side, this short gun has a steel barrel and is quite thick at the muzzle end i need to put about 18" on the muzzle theres not a lot of pressure that end so could it be welded on, any welders out there what are your thoughts is it possable thancks Pat.

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Difficult to understand from the wording, but as an ex-welder i should say not. Reason is you will not get a smooth finish inside the bore if you butt the two ends together v them out and weld and overlapping one over the other will also create a step in the Bore.

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