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Precision fit stock


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:blink: Anyone use one of the precision fit stocks the aluminium

ones with the plastic grip etc and kick eze pad,I suffer with a near

frozen shoulder and had a try of a gun with one on today, the

felt recoil was next to nothing and personally feel I could use this

all day.Ive been told theyre a grand or so to buy but have been

offered one for 400 quid and just wondered if anyone has one

and if they get any problems at all,as in needing repairs, reliable,

do they wear out,can you get parts easily,only info I can find is

the alan rhone website but no info on operating spares etc just

new grips and cheek pads.Need to know if the actual mechanism is

as reliable as the dealers reckon they are,any info please. :stupid:

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Yes I have used one for a while.


They are pretty reliable but don't get oil anywhere near the mechanism or you will get problems with graunching. If it's a Alan Rhone supplied one £400 is the cheapest I have seen. Alan Rhone services the ones he has sold for £20 plus postage, that covers anything that needs repairing. He may do work on an import but not sure?


Hope that helps.

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Yes I have used one for a while.


They are pretty reliable but don't get oil anywhere near the mechanism or you will get problems with graunching. If it's a Alan Rhone supplied one £400 is the cheapest I have seen. Alan Rhone services the ones he has sold for £20 plus postage, that covers anything that needs repairing. He may do work on an import but not sure?


Hope that helps.


:blink: certainly does it is a rhone one and the guy has had problems

with it and covered it in molyslip grease,From what you tell me they

should be oil and grease free to work properly :stupid: got me thinking

on buying it now especially if a service/repair is only 20 pounds,I had

an Email from rhones and all the tools etc are available off him but no

mention of spares or servicing,going to ring them tomorrow now for

more info.The price was argued from 570 due to the grip being broken

and the cost of a new one 170 so 400 and the guy said it was sticking but

only sometimes hence the molyslip.

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