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Working Pointers and Setters.

Bazooka Joe

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Working Pointers and Setters by David Hudson



Hardcover: 160 pages



David Hudson's book is a comprehensive guide to Pointers and Setters.

The author looks at the way the breeds originally evolved,

and how they have developed into the working,

showing and pet dogs we know today.

He describes the split between show,

working and pet strains and offers sound advice,

to help the prospective owner choose the right breed for their particular requirements.

The book takes the reader through basic training to more advanced lessons

and finally to introducing the young dog to field trials or the shooting field.

The author expresses his own forthright and sometimes controversial views

on field trials and dog shows as well as giving a thought-provoking guide

to handling both dogs and guns on a shooting day.

Above all he paints an evocative picture of the sheer joy of owning

and working any of the Pointer and Setter breeds.


£12 Posted.

Edited by Bazooka Joe
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