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Simple hide poles.


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I got this idea years ago from a golf umbrella, and the plate at the pointy bit on the end.


I tried this with differing diameter of iron rods.


The best was around 3/4 inch, and 5ft in length, altho i would now get them cut to 5ft 6in.


The weight alone gives the rod good penetration into summer soil, the addition of 2 parrallel plates welded 15 in above the pointed end means you now have a pogo stick type rod you can now stand on to sink fully into the ground, solid as a rock as the stomp plate can be pointing into the hide so alot of weight can be placed against it.


On the top i had welded 4 hooks, 2 of them 2 inches lower than the upper 2 witch themselves were only an inch below the top.

These hooks were to slide the mahogany coloured curtain rails thru to form a stiff rail on the sides and front, then i hung the old black garden fencing of the first back hook and rolled it around the hide, hanging it on all hooks, and binding the middle of each section to the cross menber curtain rain in the middle of each section.

Would be just the same for netting, after that i stood tall branches against it and filled in the holes with uprooted vegetation and hung over the branches until the hide looked like a great big bush with a dark hole at the front.



CHeap as chips and last forever, also you have 4 spare hooks pointing inwards to hang bags etc on, and not even a force ten with move those branches or poles once they are bound to each other if binding is even necessary.


The leaves at the top wilt inwards forming the roof, and you stand and step forward to shoot with loads of space to do so, whilst invisible to anything thats not 30yds up, looking directly down at you, and even then with an over size bush hat, you just tilt your head forward, i always had the balaclava but sometimes, infact lots of time i took it of once i had a goodly amount of customers already acting as secondry decoys.


Any way cheap as chips and as sturdy as you will get, cant be anything quicker than stomp poles as above for making a frame.


Edited by manxman2
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